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Microsoft’s FQ4 Beats Expectations

- Tuesday, July 21, 2015 No Comments

Following the bell, Microsoft reported its fiscal fourth quarter financial performance, including revenue of $22.2 billion, and adjusted earnings per share of $0.62.
The company took a stiff charge in the quarter relating to its writedown of hardware assets that it purchased from Nokia. Using normal accounting methods, Microsoft had operating income of negative $2.1 billion in the quarter. Analysts had expected Microsoft to report $0.56 in per-share, adjusted profit, on revenue of $22.06 billion.
The company’s revenue fell from 5 percent a year-ago tally of $23.382 billion, due in large part to a slipping phone-related top line. In total, using normal accounting techniques, Microsoft lost $3.2 billion in quarter, or $0.40 per share. In contrast, the company had regular profit of $4.6 billion in the year-ago quarter.
The company closed its fiscal year with more than $96 billion in cash and equivalents.
In regular trading, Microsoft rose a fraction in a generally bearish market. Following its earnings beat, the software company is down just over three percent in after-hours trading.

Sectional Performance

Microsoft reported that its incomes from selling Windows to OEMs fell 22 percent compared to the year-ago period. That figure is artificially depressed on a ratio basis, given that this time last year saw the death of Windows XP, which drove a spate of Of course, with Windows 10 just days out, Microsoft could be suffering from modest wait-until-new-stuff-is-out syndrome on the demand side of things.
The company picked up 2.8 million new consumer Office 365 subscribers, ending the quarter with 15.2 million. In the sequentially preceding period, Microsoft had 12.4 million consumers subscribers to Office 365, a product that is a slurry of services and apps that replace the company’s traditional software model.
Key to Microsoft’s future performance are cloud revenues derived from corporations. According to Microsoft, its ‘commercial cloud’ revenue run rate on an annual basis is now over $8 billion. In the two sequentially preceding quarters, that figure was $6.3 billion, and $5.5 billion, respectively. According to the firm, its commercial cloud revenue has grown 88 percent compared to the year-ago period.

Help! Budget CPU and Motherboard Compatability Advice

- Tuesday, July 14, 2015 No Comments

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Integer nulla. Donec blandit feugiat ligula. Donec hendrerit, felis et imperdiet euismod, purus ipsum pretium metus, in lacinia nulla nisl eget sapien. Donec ut est in lectus consequat consequat. Etiam eget dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed at lorem in nunc porta tristique. Proin nec augue. Quisque aliquam tempor magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Nunc ac magna. Maecenas odio dolor, vulputate vel, auctor ac, accumsan id, felis. Pellentesque cursus sagittis felis. Pellentesque porttitor, velit lacinia egestas auctor, diam eros tempus arcu, nec vulputate augue magna vel risus. Cras non magna vel ante adipiscing rhoncus. Vivamus a mi. Morbi neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ultrices lobortis eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.